Thursday, April 27, 2006

28th April - Off we go to Batu Feringghi

We are going to Batu Feringghi for dinner and shopping tomorrow night. Any of you guys wanna join us??? If you do want to join us....just be at Rachel Spoelman's house at 7pm sharp.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Recommended Book to Read: Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

Your Best Life Now Devotional
Your Best Life Now Devotional - Book

Your Best Life Now DevotionalJoel Osteen
Daily Readings From Your Best Life Now: 90 Devotions for Living at Your Full Potential by Joel Osteen#1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen offers 90 days of inspiration to help people reach their full potential. Joel Osteen's 90 days of motivational thoughts, inspirational messages, and helpful Scripture verses will strengthen our faith-in God, in others, and in ourselves. By applying these truths, we will be able to rise above our obstacles and live in health, abundance, and victory."Allow God's Word to refresh you and to reshape your thinking, speaking, and daily activities." - Joel Osteen

"I've been reading this books and I've really been inspired and touched by the many ways God wants to bless us and to give us His favor. Many times He wants to bless us but we don't let Him do so cause we block Him out of our lives. AnywayI hope you guys and gals will take a look at this book and read it.You will really be Blessed by this book.

Kevin's Recommendation : 4 biji Bintang

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

21st April, Youth Home Group

Time: 8pm
Venue: Kevin's House

I've decided to have home group at my place this Friday since it's a day off for Aunty Erika. Be nice to me when u're at my house ya or i will let the dogs loose. hehehee. Just joking.