Monday, November 26, 2007

Amazing Grace

Hey my church(FCBC) recently sang this wong during worship. Amazing Grace. Doesn't sound too new to you. Well, thats not the point. The point is, there was a brand-new, fresh feeling when we were singing it. Its not like "oh, just another hymn"....its THE hymn. Its the Chris Tomlin version with this additional verse:

My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God My Saviour, has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercies rained
Unending Love, Amazing Grace!

Its really very very meaningful and nice. Go check out at Godtube

Or Youtube

Hope you guys enjoyed it! Learn it up and mebbe we can jamm when free! See ya guys!

Cycelia Lim (my first post on this blog)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

October Youth-Young Adults Get-Together

On 12 October 2007, the Youth and Young Adults came together for a combined homegroup meeting. Our special speaker were Drs. Paul and Christina Ang.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

FPBC Family Day - 11 August 2007

Sorry for the late posting but for those who have missed out on our FPBC Family Day, fret not! We have pictures to share of the fun-filled day!

Young strategists at work.

Our Young Adults waiting to get into action.

Hmmm... what are these young people up to?

The Kacang Putih wrapping competition???? Not quite. One of the teams are getting ready for the Geronimo game.

At the starting point... Derek is looking very pleased as he has another scheme up his sleeves...

Family Day Pictures (Cont.)

You got two, I also got two!


Jubilant faces

Alvin working very hard on his masterpeice... and Jeremy wonders what it is that his brother is making..

Pretty lady with a pretty pose...

Family Day Pictures (Cont. Lagi)

Karston is VERY pleased with his supply of water balloons (look at the basins behind him!)

I got it! I got it!

Isaac holding the egg that survived the Geronimo fall.

Water War!

And everyone went home happy!