Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wide Game - June - S.W.A.T II

Last Sunday, we had another Wide Game event at HBC. This time, it's called S.W.A.T II and was going to be held indoors. We were actually trying to guess what we were going to play because it wasn't going to be done outdoors, there was no need for a change of clothes and, uhm... it's called S.W.A.T II... *sweat*

Lo and behold, we arrived to be put on duty to fold "bullets". *gulp*

Our final product. Feel the pain yet?

Before the game, we had a short time of worship, led by HBC.

Hmm... I wonder what the boy in red is doing

After worship, Pastor Amos gathered everyone to line up in 2 straight lines, from the shortest to the tallest...

Suku apparently got confused with the whole lining up process

... and explained the game. It was basically a paintball-esque kind of game, except, it involves rubberbands and folded-up paper bullets. (Basically, if you get hit by a paper bullet, you are "dead".) We were divided into 4 groups and were given a short period of time to fold up more bullets before we went upstairs.

James and David scheming away

Once upstairs, we found ourselves in a battlefield, of some sort, made out of tables and chairs and even a carrom board.

The Battlefield

Oh look! A carrom board! Suku apparently liked it so much, he ran into it... and it fell on him

Pastor Amos giving a more detailed explanation on how to play

We played a few rounds against different teams, each with different objectives - Round 1: The team with the most players left standing; Round 2: The team with the least amount of casualties; Round 3: The team who had the most "kills". Finale: The two teams with the best scores fight it out to see who is the best overall team.

Pocketful of bullets

Getting ready for battle

A battle in progress. I wonder what David is laughing about, though...

Team 1 emerged as the winners of the game after surviving through the many different rounds with all the other teams. Woohoo! After that, we went downstairs and played a free-for-all shootout with our own made bunkers. This time, we had "unlimited" lives, except, once shot, we have to return to our base before we can proceed to shoot again. (I don't think many people followed that rule!)

The last two games had one simple objective: Be the one sitting on the chair in the middle of the room at the end of the game and your team wins. Too bad there weren't any pictures to document it. There was a LOT of pain involved in the last game. A lot of pain...

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