Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Youth Home Group 11th July - Birthday Celebrations

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The confused soccer player who forgot which country he plays for.

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I'm Joel also another soccer player

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Another soccer player from Korea

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I'm outside down, me the German soccer player

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The first guy who wore a swim wear to home group meeting. That's a first

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Yinz the snooker player

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Indoor volley balloon game

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Young Indiana Jones searching for lost treasure around Fettes Park.

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Happy Birthday to July Babies

We also had Chu Kim and his wife over to share with us about his life and what he does. It's cool.

Chu Kim and his family.


Rachel said...

Hey, ya'll forgot one July baby!

DanielGSL said...

no we didn't !!

Anonymous said...

we didn't.. daniel did..

Anonymous said...

that explain the extremely quick denial.. hah!

Anonymous said...

GOTCHA!, daniel.. that's for accusing me of downloading porn.. >.<

Jess said...

You mean, a July baby and a July Momma? heh heh...

lavien said...

a baby ?????? lol