Monday, June 09, 2008

gREDt Expectations ! Theme : RED.

Not too long ago in a far far far far away galaxy. On a little tiny rock called Earth. There were .....

They got together one Friday night. 2 factions were formed.

An example of what will happen to the losing faction ..... an eternity of servitude !!!!! (juz kidding)

It was a tough battle. Both factions tried hard to get all 4 seats of power. No hostages were left alive. It was an all out WARRRRRRRR !!!!!

Ummm ... somehow some defected and the stronger faction won ??? Hmmm yeah ... they won ... since i'm in the pic. Muahahahahaha.

Let me introduce to you the most diabolical game invented. It involves water, sugar, and lemons.

Very dangerous indeed.

Take a look at what it does to you. Look at how stoned he is. Look at how high the people at the back are.

Effects of this diabolical concoction called 'The Lemonade' --> Huddling together laughing in a corner ... dancing randomly .... breaking entry into the church auditorium(no wonder they need an alarm now) .... makes you wanna go RaRW !!!

Yup. It was fun. I think this team won some game.

And they say "Save the best for last." It rang true for this night. The cookies were ingenius as they were delicious. More dangerous concoctions. Twisties and Cheezels. The night cant get any better. Top it off with a cake and birthday celebrations for several youths.

"The Fellowship of the Youth". A tale greater than that of "The Fellowship of the Ring".

One big-happy-red-family at the end of the day. Cant get any better than this.

Oh wait ... what is this? This is one brave young lad indeed. This is the side-effect of living with 6 sisters. Next will be his fingernails.

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