We gathered in HBC. Amos, HBC's Youth Pastor, greeting everyone. Welcome Welcome !!
Amos, with his assistant, Malar, tries to explain the game to everyone. Some scratch their head as they look to their fellow teammates for answers. It's okay guys and girls. We'll just learn as we play.
The TEAMS !!!!
The Goblins and the Ogre King.
Faeries, pixies, brownies and all their magical kin.
As the battle for Spiderwick's Chronicles is about to begin. (For the benefit of those who didn't watch the movie, Spiderwick's Chronicles is a book containing all the secrets of the magical folk which the Ogre King is trying to steal. In obtaining this knowledge he will become invincible.)
The Goblins plot their mischief ....
... while the goodly magical folk ...... PRAYS !!!!!
Oh and one more thing ... lets not forget the ever-oh-so-handsome-oh-so-evil .... DINOSAUR !!!! Anyone caught and eaten by this creature will become ....
... depressed ... loose all colour(fade away) ... loose all willpower to live ... no mood ... wallow in a pit of despair ... ending up in the hospital to be revived. Or wallow in a pit of despair. It's really up to the person. Hahaha !!!!! (below is an example of what happens to you when the dinosaur catches you. scary huh?)
So let the games .... BEGIN !!! Suku started off by trying to pick up some chicks. He later told me her name was Yuon Sue and she's Korean.
Yin Hooi ..... was trying to catch any illegal dealings between the players. "Show me what's in your hands," she says. Unfortunately these two were clean, yet she still arrested them and threw them into prison. EVIL !!!!
Suku once again trying to pick up more chicks. "You see that Dinosaur there? I can take 'im out in one blow if you want me to." *flexs muscles* "Just like that."
As you can see ... everyone was quite dispersed on the field. Many lives were sacrificed to steal the book. And many more were sacrificed to protect the book. I think the Dinosaur was brutally murdered so James lost his job.
Finally the game came to an end. We gathered around Amos to hear the results. Keep your fingers crossed, goblins and faeries.
The Magical Folk prevailed by keeping the Book safe from the hands of the evil goblins and their nasty Ogre King. Congrats.
But the evil Goblins still insisted for a picture to be taken to commemorate this event. Smile ~
After that everyone gathered together to take a group picture. HBC and FPBC alike !! We aren't so different after all. Brothers and sisters in Christ.
Hip hip !! Hurrayyyy !! Unfortunately some jumped too fast as usual and some were too heavy to jump. It was a very fun event for all of us. Kudos to Amos for coming up with such an interesting fun game.
i dident talk to any chicks what ever that is and chicks ??? what is that??
aiseh aiseh ... let me introduce my friend here, DENIAL !!!
dont know dont care and why chickens got name wan ??
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